Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I join the library?

    Everyone is welcome to use our Libraries. To borrow items all you need to do is become a member of our Libraries. Just come into one of the library branches with identification and proof of your current address. You can borrow the same day. Children are welcome to join the library at any age, parents/ guardians are responsible for all loans until the age of 17 years.

  • How many items can I borrow?

    You can borrow up to 15 items. DVD’s are limited to 2 per person.

  • How long can I borrow items for?

    The borrowing period for most items is 30 days with 1 auto renewal. DVDs are loaned for 7 days and TV on DVD for 14 days. You need to bring your library card to borrow items. Bestsellers and items in demand are encouraged to be returned within 2 weeks. Please take care of items borrowed and return them promptly. If items are overdue, borrowing privileges can be withdrawn until all items are returned. Charges of $1.50 per day apply to overdue DVD’s.

  • How can I renew my items?

    You can come into one of the branches with your library card and renew your items or you are also able to renew items over the phone please have your library card number ready. You are also able to renew your items online through the online library catalogue using the Member Services section to sign in with your membership number from your library card.

  • Can I use the internet?

    All our branches have public access computers available for use. There is no cost if you are a member of North Western Library. Computers can be booked in advance by coming into the library, phoning your branch or making a booking online.

    Wifi access is available at most branches.

  • How can I obtain an item if the library doesn’t have it?

    If you can’t find what you’re looking for please ask one of our staff to help. We are able to borrow items from other libraries within Australia. You may fill in an inter-library loan or request for purchase form or use our online service.

  • What can I find in the catalogue?

    The catalogue is the key to North Western Library's collection. It contains information about items in the collection, including whether an item is out on loan or not. The collection contains items such as books, DVDs, toys and magazines. Increasingly the collection also contains digital items such as eBooks, eAudiobooks, eFilms, eMagazines and databases. Speak to a library staff member if there is something specific you are looking for that you are unable to find when searching our catalogue. Library staff are always happy to assist.

  • Do I need to login to search the catalogue?

    You don't need to login to search the library catalogue. Login is required to renew items on loan, and to place a reservation. If you login before searching, then your login details will remain for the duration of your session. It is important that you log out when finished, especially if you are using one of our public access catalogue's.

  • Can I renew my loans online?

    Yes. Login to your account and click on your name and then on current loans.

    • You may renew one or more items at a time.
    • You are allowed to renew items up to 2 times.
    • Items that are reserved for others cannot be renewed.
    • Items that have already become overdue cannot be renewed.
    • If you have one or more items still on loan that are lost or long overdue, you cannot renew online or using our self-service kiosks.
    • Please speak to a library staff member if the item you want to renew is already overdue or something else is preventing you from renewing your item.
  • What digital resources can I access with my library membership?

    We have a number of digital eLibrary platforms and online databases that you can access for free using your library card.

    The full list of online resources we have available is also listed on the library website at Online Library

  • Can I request items not held in the catalogue?

    Yes, you may. There are two options:

    • If you think the item would be suitable for the collection you may suggest it for purchase or.
    • You may request an interlibrary loan. In this case North Western Library will borrow the item from another library on your behalf and this will incur a fee which will be passed onto you.
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